Every week Callum, Steven, Nathan & Theo take turns in selecting a film, watching it, then submitting it to a masterful critical analysis.
Reids on Film: the Origin Story
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Actually it was 2021 and South London. The cinemas were closed and we were floating in and out of lockdown. Living apart but enthusiastic watchers of film we decided to take turns in selecting a weekly film to watch at home and follow it up with a rambling discussion on a proprietary messaging app. The only criterion for the films chosen was that they had to be available for streaming at home. We really enjoyed it and kept it going for a year, by which time the cinemas re-opened and the 'rule of six' was a vague memory.
Roll forward to 2023 and we decided to start again but this time to accommodate our growing delusions of grandeur we are publishing our (no longer rambling, now incisive) thoughts for the world. Sight and Sound magazine ignored our pitch.
Our Qualifications
Theo: an A-level in Film Studies (AP equivalent)
Callum: nothing to declare but my genius!
Steven: ran a film club at medical school and has a MUBI subscription
Nathan: actually in the business, making funny animal films
Our films
If you landed on our home page you will note that to call our film selection eclectic would be rather an understatement. But we would like to think there is something here for everyone so do explore our archive. Here’s a selection:
Upstream Color … like Kill List on crack
What am I watching? Is this real?
Her performance is so arch she almost backflips off the screen
And if reading really isn’t your thing we also have a podcast…
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