Reids on Film
Reids on Film Podcast
The Reids on Film Season One Awards: Part 1
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:19:38

The Reids on Film Season One Awards: Part 1 which we try and make a podcast

Yes, we have come to the end of our first season of ReidsonFilm. It has been a very entertaining affair. We learned a lot and laughed a little – actually that should be the other way round. We have watched and reviewed 24 films since we started this gig back in January and now have so many subscribers that Substack keep asking that we go ‘pay to play’. We said no (the vote was actually three against one). The country is in the midst of a cost of living crisis. For our non-UK readers this means that for a lot of people money is short so we don’t want to force them to make that difficult choice: a ReidsonFilm review or food for your kids? Now is not the time. This after all, is a labour of love.

We are getting ready for Season Two but before jumping back in, we thought that it would be good to sit back, reflect on the films we have seen and give out some awards. Someone also had the bright idea that we should have a go at making a podcast. So the nominations are listed below, but if you want to know the results you will have to listen to our, as ever, extremely well informed discussion. The podcast will also be available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and other platforms so do let your friends know.

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It is our first attempt so a bit rough around the edges and we had so much to say that we ran out of time. So Part 2 will follow. We do hope you enjoy it … and now for the nominations:

Best Picture

Upstream Color

In the Earth

The Last Black Man in San Francisco

The Young and the Damned (Los Olvidados)

The Gore Vidal Award for Most Crypto-fascist Film

Beau Travail

The Visitor

El Topo


Best Cinematography

Beau Travail

Enys Men

After Hours

The Terrorizers

Best Performance

Isabelle Huppert in Time of the Wolf

Roberto Cobo in The Young and the Damned

Chhabi Biswas in The Music Room

Jonathan Majors in The Last Black Man in San Francisco

The NPC Award for the Best Brief or Small Performance

‘The Sampler’ in Upstream Color

‘Cope’ in Crimes of the Future

‘Chinese man’ in Dersu Uzala

‘Two men in a truck’ in The Visitor

There are two cinemas: the films we have actually seen and the memories we have of them - Molly Haskell

Thank you for listening to Reids on Film. If you enjoyed our review please share with a friend and do leave a comment. We will back next week…

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